Sunday, June 7, 2009

objective& expectation

Actually my main goal/objective of studying CSC134 is to be a computer litterate person.Pathethic !! that's the word I used to describe my IT skill's since before this my IT knowledge is quite shaming to be reveal because to be frank I'm never ever interested in all this things before until i'm here in UITM and was told that there will be a subject that involves computer..huhuhu.. besides I want to change my minset that this field of study is NOT boring,hard to be learn , and whatsoever in order for me to excel in my studies here as a part 1 prelaw student..

* learn more about the computer technology and its relevant information
*understanding how the information is progress with the developing of modern technology.
*deliver and achieve the information through the set upof the web browser and url.
*make work easier and faster due to the developing of current technology. furthermore in this globalisation means everything.. the esed of pen and paper had been replace by the present of the computer and internet.. thus, we had to alert with this goood sight and not left behind..I really hope that with the guidance shown by Mr Shahadan and a'little' effort from me...I'll manage to survive .INSYAALAH..

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